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There are 22 results found.
The Financial Seat Belt for Turbulent Markets

Investors can protect their portfolios in a multitude of ways today...

A Rare Contrarian Setup in a Footwear Giant

One footwear giant has struggled in recent weeks. But that's not a reason to give up on the company...

Amazon Is Bringing Its Biggest Edge to a New Arena

This tech giant had much bigger plans than just selling consumer goods. It was after something far more powerful...

A Major Small-Cap Rally Is Just Beginning

Small caps just experienced a massive reversal. And according to history, the rally should continue...

When Fear Surges, It's Time to Buy

Fear is back in the market. But this spooked environment is no reason to cash out...

Is the 'Great Rotation' Already Coming to a Close?

Small caps and industrials have been outperforming mega caps lately. But the market might already be catching on to this "Great Rotation"...

AI Is Already Causing Layoffs... And Not Just in Big Tech

The AI explosion has made management teams rethink where they need staff. That means more layoffs are likely to come – even at successful companies...

How AI Will Supercharge the Bull Market

Big Tech is pouring billions of dollars into the AI trend. And while some fear a bubble, this spending boom will fuel the bull market over the next few years...

Chips Can't Keep Consumers Afloat

Chipmakers are raking in the big bucks. But that doesn't mean the economy – and U.S. consumer – is in the clear...

Mom-and-Pop Investors Are Buying Up Stocks

Individual investors have upped their stock allocation to the highest level in years. But this isn't a sign of an imminent market top...

A Broadening Bull Run Could Triple Investor Returns

A major new tailwind has reached the broader market. And it tells us this bull market is likely to continue...

How One Tech Serf Became a King

One business has risen from an industry serf to a market king... and the secret lies in competitive advantages...

A Hidden Layer of the AI Revolution

You don't have to buy the major AI companies to win big. Instead, you should start looking further out...

Stocks Could Jump Double Digits to End 2024

The good times are far from over. In fact, history suggests double-digit upside is likely to finish 2024...

The Most Likely Event to Follow a Market High

There's only one type of investor you should strive to be in today's market...

Markets Can Keep Rallying After This Rare Divergence

A rare divergence is setting up in the market. But it won't kill the current rally. Instead, stocks should keep rising from here...

Don't Make My Friend's Mistake

Don't wait for prices to fall in the current bull run. You'll be waiting a long time – and you'll miss out on major buying opportunities...

These Stocks Could Soar in the Second Half of 2024

The central bank might be closer to cutting rates. It's just one of many bullish signals stacking up in today's market – and that's good news for one group of stocks...

What Every Investor Needs in This Type of Market

Here's one piece of advice that every investor should know in today's market...

One Investing Tool Exposed This 'Value Trap' Long Ago

One of the biggest pharmacy chains in the U.S. is dirt cheap today. But a powerful investing tool confirms that now isn't the time to buy in...

The Mexican Peso Is on the Verge of Collapse

History tells us the decline in one currency could spiral into a major collapse...

'Private for Longer' Is the New Norm... And That's Bad for Investors

More companies are choosing to stay private rather than go public. And that's bad news for mom-and-pop investors...